Other Losses | James Bacque

5 months ago

“ Other Losses | James Bacque

"Other Losses" is a riveting and eye-opening documentary that delves deep into the post-World War II treatment of the German people. It exposes the hidden history of the Allied powers' actions towards Germany, revealing the deadly conditions in American and French camps that led to the deaths of millions of innocent Germans. The documentary sheds light on the Morgenthau plan and its devastating effects on the German people, highlighting the hypocrisy of the Allied forces who claimed to be liberators while subjecting the Germans to unspeakable suffering. The film features interviews with survivors of the camps, as well as historians and experts who provide insight into the events that unfolded after the war. This powerful and thought-provoking documentary is a must-watch for anyone interested in the truth about the aftermath of World War II and the lasting impact it had on the German people.”

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