Protect Me From Violent People - Psalm 140

5 months ago

Rich Keltner: Music
Zeph Daniel: Added Percussion, Vocals

Song Lyrics (Psalm 140 rearranged slightly)

Save me Lord from evil doers
Keep me safe from violent people

They are always plotting evil
Always dividing us in quarrels

Their tongues are like deadly snakes
Their words like a cobra’s poison

Protect me from the power of the wicked
Keep me safe from violent people
Who plot my downfall

The Mad have set a trap for me
They have laid their snares
And along the path they have set traps to catch me


I say to the Lord you are my God!
Here my cry for help.

Save me Lord from evil doers
Keep me safe from violent people.

My Sovereign Lord, my Strong Defender
You protected me in battle

Lord, don’t give the wicked what they want
Don’t let their plot succeed.

Don’t let my enemies be victorious
Make their threats against me fall back on them.

May hot coals fall on them
May they be thrown into a pit and never get out

May those who accuse other falsely not succeed
May evil overtake violent people and destroy them

Lord, I know you defend the cause of the poor
And the rights of the needy

The righteous will praise you indeed
They will live in your presence

Save me Lord from evil doers
Keep me safe from violent people

Released by:
Release date:
3 December 2014

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