Starfield Mods: Better Living II & Nem's Deco Pack

1 month ago

I'm on X as @CalSepsis, and if it isn't obvious by my posts, I'm a Starfield Player. This video introduces the VERY basics of Better Living II and Nem's Deco Pack Mods available on the Nexus.

Another X user, @StarbornNomad posted some pics and a short video on one of his bases, and pointed me to these two mods.

This video does NOT showcase these mods. They only introduce them. I went to a base I'm currently building, and built a very few things that these mods include. At this time, my mod order was off, so not everything displays properly, but at the same time, I'd rather have people actually GET the mods and try them for themselves. Later on, when I get some time, and a proper base built using these mods, I'll do a more proper introduction to both of them.

In the meantime, I tossed a few of the items randomly on my mostly empty base, just to show what some of the additions look like.

And my voice sounds awful. I don't know why. But maybe that's how I actually sound to others. So be it.


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