FEMA Afraid Of Non-cUlt People Wanting Their Land

3 months ago

The Creator-God gives the non-murderous souls the upper hand... as ancient, Homo capensis monsters give Luciferians their lower hand technologies. Murderous-thUgs should figure-out that they destroy their own precious souls using-up their free-will.

Freemasons hide back far from the front lines of wars. Yes, they start wars by instigating them like WWI and WWII, but Freemasons are shadow-haunts. They become the officers of both sides of any war to tell the zombies to go kill the other side or be shot by their side's officer.

The first sign of a unhappy mob hunting down the brotherhoodwinkers will stop them in their tracks... they will conscript illegal military-aged men to do the killing for them.
Freemasons prefer the high-tech slow-kill method of their "secret-dagger" or "slow-kill." I know this because I watch them do it to me for 18 years after exposing political corruption in Canada. Then bammm! thUgs all over Canada crawling out of the woodwork. Who is the Canadian-mafia? The secret-communists or Freemasons with temples in every community before the brainchip-hivemind officially took over in April 2020 with A.i. monitoring and controlling the Luciferian-WWIII upon the sheeple.

That is why Western Civilization is being turned into a 3rd-World zone... Luciferians are in most positions of authority. Yes, Trump and Kamala are on the same Luciferian team, but opposite apparent-sides.

source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R99s5gNkPFM

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