No Game Engine Game Dev: Word Sleuth 065: Finishing Banner, animating books, new scene transitions.

3 months ago

Streamed on 2024-10-14 (

Game Engines are for sissies!

Last time we were drawing the new Banner in addition to the old banner. Today I started out by porting the old banner functionality out of GameScene and into the new Banner. The only sticking point was when I tried to capture a va_list into an ActionSequence. With the streamer brain it took me longer than it should have to remember that va_list is pointing to parameter memory on the stack and would not be valid outside the current calling context. By applying the text formatted printing before starting the animation it worked fine. Then a quick cleanup pass to remove the old banner code and GameScene is that much leaner.

Next up was the books on the bookshelf. They have been popping into existence for too long. It is time for them to fly. So I added an animation which has the books fly in from the left edge, then push backward onto the shelf. This was a simple iterative process that came together pretty quickly and adds more to the sense of depth.

Then it was on to scene transitions. AboutScene was half done with a transition on loading, but nothing on exit. Adding the exit was pretty trivial. A small touchup of HighscoreScene had it up to par with About. Then Settings got an implosion on load and an explosion on exit. MainMenu was given a simple fade in transition on load, but I didn't have time to do the animation for exit. That will be tomorrow's first task.

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