Piousness and Virtue Signaling: The Illusion of Moral Superiority

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Join Cosmic Mama and Terri Smith in an enlightening discussion as we delve into the intricate dynamics of piousness, virtue signaling, and projection. In a world where selective outrage has become the norm, we explore how these behaviors allow individuals to justify negative emotions and actions while feeling morally superior.

Through a collective oracle card reading, we'll examine the implications of these concepts on our society, the illusion of separation, and the importance of recognizing our interconnectedness. Together, we’ll uncover the truth behind these behaviors and how they impact our relationships and collective consciousness.

Tune in to gain insight, foster compassion, and elevate your understanding of these pressing social issues as we navigate the cosmic journey of healing and awareness.

#Piousness #VirtueSignaling #MoralSuperiority #Projection #SelectiveOutrage #CollectiveHealing #WombmenOfTheStars #CosmicMama #TerriSmith #OracleReading #Interconnectedness #Compassion #SpiritualAwakening #SocialDynamics

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