American Politics Sucks: The Infinite Well of Negativity (Surreal Night 1-1)

2 months ago

Join me as I walk from September into the first day of October.
This is a vlog where I share my thoughts, opinions, and emotions. It's all about how I think and feel, nothing more and nothing less.
Topics include Apple Iphones are for Body Builders, American Politics, Failed american policies, taxes and a whole lot of other stuff that I can't remember as I write this.

I am not an expert in anything and this channel isn't for educational
purposes, but instead is for entertainment purposes only.
I am just a human being expressing myself freely and openly.
I am not advocating for anyone to take my advice and you must
use your own discernment. I am simply sharing my own experiences,
thoughts, and emotions. I take no responsability for your actions.
You are responsible for yourself and your own actions.
Do not copy me or try to be like me. Please use your own judgement
and take accountability for yourself and the actions you take in this life.
I also don't endorse any acts of violence towards oneself or others.
I personally believe in love and compassion. I also do not own the
copywritten material that I will verbally reference throughout these videos.


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