Remembering those moments of Truth - Day 15

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Day 15 - Remembering those moments of Truth

Truth is a feeling, The meaning always will come after.

Some moments make sense instantly, where as other moments become more clear as time passes.

This teaching is about letting go of the need to remember and make sense of everything that is being shared to you in one go. Instead know whenever you are in the energy of truth, you will remember what you need to remember

Our memories our the currency of the Soul. Our Souls journey is to Remember who we are. To Know Thyself is to Remember

Whenever we learn something, we remember it. For us to learn something means the event has already taken place, which is to remember

There will be many moments of your life when your memories are so clear. The more clear your memories, is when you were more present. Holidays and Sporting events are great examples of when we were fully present and that is why we remember so much of these experiences. We are able to recall more

Our mind likes to jump in the way and bring up frustration because we have not had similar experiences to others or we were expecting more out of the moment. Instead, focus on remembering what you witnessed.
Questions to ask self

What did I take from this?
What did I see?
What was my experience?
What did I remember?

When you are next listening to a song, which is creation (truth) ask yourself, what does this remind me of?

Asking questions in these moments will the provide you with answers which you will then remember

It will take you back to a moment in your life, the fact your mind took you back allows you to find meanings, more teachings, more insights

You are the messenger of your Soul
Capture the moments when you were in presence

Everything that ever happens to you, happens for a reason. When you witness everything that happens in presence you will take the truth needed for you at that time

Go beyond meaning
Stay with the feeling
Take away something away as a memory

What did you take away from this teaching?

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