Episode 24 | Modern Prophets

3 months ago

Download the study guide for Lesson 24 | Modern Prophets with Gary Gibbs https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jtO3hiY1wV2CF8M7-JmOgcUAG3gOz5f9/view?usp=drive_link

Have you ever wondered whether Biblical prophecy is just old news? The book of Joel hints at a time when "your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions," alluding to a future manifestation of spiritual leaders who carry hope for the future and uncanny insight into the divine! Does modern prophecy go beyond Nostradamus or Evangeline Adams? History can reveal some interesting things as well. Shall we delve into the past? What if I told you that the 'dark day' of May 19, 1780, could have been a real-life echo of prophecy? Intriguing, isn't it?

The Bible foretells of coming prophets in the end times, and their divinely inspired words will bring with them a message of hope. God promises us that these spiritual leaders will provide insight into the future, leading us to new paths and inspiring us to trust in Him. This promise was made long before history's darkest day, May 19th, 1780. On this day, darkness descended across much of New England, bringing an ominous sense of dread. Despite the fear that seemed to grip the land, God's promise still held true - prophets would appear in times of need to shine a light on the future. Just as He promised, these prophets have appeared and are providing guidance that is still relevant today. Let's follow the historical and Bible evidence as we study the next topic of Modern prophets with Gary, Christy, and Dee.

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