Michigan, your government operations are a disgusting mess!

2 days ago

Well, Michigan, your government operations are a disgusting mess!

What you see demonstrated in this short video clip is an example of dictatorial tyranny!

Since Democrats took over, they have run roughshod over the senate governing rules. When republicans governed, we gave their speeches almost unlimited latitude.
Latitude, to the point where they were permitted to call us Nazis, Klansman, insurrectionists, racists, and so on. And that was literally just a single unremarkable speech!

However, ever since the democrats took over, all the rules‘s have changed.
For instance, “No vote” explanations are to be unlimited per the Senate rules. We adhered to those rules when we governed. They gaveled down my first “No Vote” explanation in 26 seconds!

The Senate Democrats govern by sheer hypocrisy. Governing by a double standard of Senate rule enforcement and censorship.
What you see here is an example of “what’s good for the goose, is not good for the gander” governing hypocrisy to silence any meaningful dissent and input in the all important lawmaking that affects each and every citizen in this state.

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