Diggin' Deeper Genesis Chapters 21 and 22 Explanation

4 months ago

Join host Billy Ray Parrish for another episode of Diggin' Deeper. A simple Bible study where we go Diggin' Deeper into the word of God. Today’s program is a recap on Genesis Chapters Twenty Two and Twenty Three. Chapter Twenty One opens with Abraham and Sarah finally conceiving the promised child and a treaty with Abimelech gives Abraham a permanent home in a place that becomes known as Beersheba. Chapter Twenty Two tells the story of Abraham's near-sacrifice of his son, Isaac. The event illustrates the importance of listening and obeying God. If Abraham had not listened at any moment, his circumstance and the course of history would be different. Keep in mind this was not the first time Abraham had heard the voice of God. If you liked what you just watched, like and share our content. It really helps us grow. And think about subscribing to our channel which will help you keep up to date with all of our content. Once again, I am your host Billy Ray Parrish and until next time, thank you for joining us. Stay safe and God bless!

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