Voting as Christian Stewards

4 months ago

Do we realize that God gifted us with the United States of America? How do we know this? Because the entire world belongs to God. When something belongs to someone else but they give it to you for your enjoyment, that is a gift.

Psalm 24:1 tells us: “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it”

BUT from the very beginning, God gave the earth to mankind and He charged mankind to be stewards as we read in Genesis 1:28-29.

As the current stewards, we are responsible for making decisions which will best take care of the world and people around us. We must ensure that those decisions align with God’s Word and honor the gift with which we have been entrusted.

Voting is one of those decisions. We are blessed to live in a country in which everyone has the freedom to vote. While our country has always struggled with ensuring freedom to all people, we have a proven history of always remaining in that struggle to gain more freedoms rather than giving up and giving in.

Jesus tells us in Matthew 5:14 that we are to be lights in this world. And as such, we don’t hide our light, but rather we shine our light to impact the world and the people around us. If we don’t vote, we are not only failing to be good stewards of God’s provision, but we are also failing to make an impact as a light in this world.

The act of voting is not shifting our faith from God to man, but rather, it is protecting our God-given freedoms, it is protecting life, it is protecting children, it is protecting the right to worship God, it is ensuring support for Israel, it is supporting the values of God, it is protecting the future of America to remain as “one nation under God”.

This country was founded on Godly principles and man established covenants with God upon the birth of this nation. It is up to us to be stewards of that gift and of the hard work put forth by our forefathers who established this country under God.

As election day approaches, let us pray for wisdom and discernment. Let us take care of this precious gift from God. Let us be active stewards of this nation including the state, the county, the city and the community where we are planted and vote.
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