Heaven's Heart by Scott Uselman (10-06-2024)

4 months ago

Luke 15
Jesus revealed the heart of Heaven when:
1) He gave sinners access to Himself.
2) Heaven rejoices when sinners repent.
3) Heaven does not celebrate the self-righteous.

00:00 Intro: Announcements Video
6:29 Song: Shout to the Lord
11:11 Announcements
15:00 Prayer: Opening
15:58 Song: I Believe
21:18 Communion
25:26 Song: Breathe
29:28 Scripture reading: Luke 10:38-42
30:57 Prayer: Offering
31:54 Offering
33:43 Song: How Deep the Father's Love For Us
36:32 Song: How Great Thou Art
40:30 Prayer: Sermon
41:23 Sermon: Heaven's Heart
50:28 Sermon: Scripture study: Luke 15: 1-7
51:55 Sermon: Point 1: He gave sinners access to Himself.
58:22 Sermon: Scripture study: Luke 15: 8-10
59:47 Sermon: Point 2: Heaven rejoices when sinners repent.
1:03:47 Sermon: Point 3: Heaven does not celebrate the self-righteous.
1:06:42 Sermon: Scripture study: Luke 15: 25-32
1:16:30 Sermon: Conclusion
1:18:06 Prayer: Closing
1:19:15 End

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