134 Conversation with Gary Lee Haskins on spiritual growth, life, society

4 months ago

I sat with fellow spiritual youtuber Gary Lee Haskins of the 'Conscious Perspective' podcast for a conversation on spiritual life in fall 2024. We didn't know each other, but were told we should connect (thank you to Vinay Mehta who made this happen) and the result was fireworks. @GaryLee123

0:00 – Physical fitness vs modern society
3:35 – A.I. (artificial technology) thinks for us or helps us
8:28 – Living in darkness is relative when looking at history | living in fear | living in the greatest of times with all knowledge available | having patience
14:50 – Being a lone wolf artist desiring to help others live their best life | asking questions | you're not alone | reading Hindu scriptures on youtube
22:44 – Growing up atheist | became god believer based on Ram Das book "Miracle of Love" on Neem Karoli Baba | discovering other religions as its foundational teaching | variety of Hindu scriptures when seeking truth | philosophy away from rituals & gods
37:35 – "Pure" scriptures
39:16 – Hinduism is about being one's self vs destroying your personality
41:55 – Resonating with Hindu scriptures
42:57 – Discovering Upanishads via yoga training
46:15 – Interviewing controversial people
48:33 – How other students in yoga class responded to Upanishads
49:18 – Discussing Bhagavad Gita | doing your duty | being unique via being yourself
55:33 – Does everybody have a duty? | God's divine plan | evil in the world | all good Christian god, made in the image of god who is good & bad
1:10:02 – Life is a learning process | enlightened people who stop growing
1:12:13 – Being a good or bad person | incel culture, reacting to society
1:21:29 – Service to society | Hinduism is a way of life
1:30:35 – Intermission | experience with music interview podcast with Sophie B. Hawkins & John Wetton | successful interviews
1:38:16 – Art of conversation
1:42:50 – Value of talking to people to improve life
1:50:53 – Finding your voice & being yourself | finding inner confidence
2:00:00 – Recommendations to finding yourself | one size does not fit all | listening to yourself (referenced Gary's interview with Rahul Singh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGGKTmFW1UQ @TheBeardedMysticPodcast ) | finding stillness
2:12:10 – Disconnecting from society's distractions | finding balance
2:16:39 – Being a musician who are in touch with themselves | Lou Reed story | musicians are natural learners | discussing the power of music
2:30:43 – Music in Kandinsky's paintings
2:35:27 – Story of working with Harlem playwright Lawrence Holder on sax playing
2:38:39 – Finding harmony in our lives & singing the song of life
2:42:52 – Being part of a bigger story vs frozen in time
2:46:31 – Anton LaVey's most Satanic rock band as recorded in "Satan Speaks" book | Beach Boys story | doing your own thing | Aleister Crowley | being unique means you're controversial
2:58:12 – Darkness of life | being an adult
3:01:29 – Cannibis industry collapsing | marijuana industry as metaphor for society | honest to yourself
3:10:48 – Closing thoughts

Gary's youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@GaryLee123/videos
Gary's linktree: https://linktr.ee/garylhaskins

Live 10/13/2024, pre-recorded.

Regular live show on religion & society, plus scriptures and more. Be yourself! Combating conversion! Sanatana Dharma not Neo-Hinduism!

I am Premanand Das Bhagat (Aaron Joy), in Maine USA.
📣 * Contact: aronmatyas@hotmail.com & find me on X @PremanandDasB
📚 * My books: http://www.aaronjoyauthor.weebly.com
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I am your spiritual cheerleader, wanting to help you grow spiritually, discover your life's purpose, know god, and avoid the dark places.

📚 I'm a Mystic, Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Certified Ayurveda Specialist, and currently studying Integrel Vedic Counseling under Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri). Spiritual name bestowed by Dr. Chaturbhai Babaria (of Swaminaryan Gurukul USA, Ramanuja lineage). Student of Dr. Frawley & Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya.

Channel originates on youtube, duplicated on Rumble, Spotify, Bitchute, Amazon, Audible, Apple & Google Podcasts, iHeart, Pocket Casts, Castbox, Chromecast, Listen Notes, Podcast Addict, Podcast Ranking, Podtail, People Ai, Podchaser, Everend, Rephonic, allfeeds.ai, fyyd.de.

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