Truth Shall Set You Free: Quitting the US Corporation & Breaking The Matrix w/ Brotha Truth

4 months ago

The Life Stylist Podcast Videos
I'm incredibly stoked to have Brotha Truth, the visionary founder of I Self Law Am Master National Assembly, with us today to share liberating insights on our history, law, and how we can reclaim our personal power in a system that can feel like it's working against us. Brotha Truth has spent years exploring alternative histories, sovereignty, and the cultural threads that shape our worldviews. His journey from discovering the roots of his identity to teaching others how to navigate modern law is inspiring.

Today's conversation dives deep into the historical and legal frameworks that shape our lives. Brotha Truth sheds light on the implications of Anglo-Saxon law, the importance of the Magna Carta, and the jurisdiction of American Indian reservations. We also tackle questions about birth certificates and social security numbers in The System and how these archival data define us.

As we explore these themes, Brotha Truth offers actionable advice for asserting your rights and understanding financial and legal literacy. Whether it’s navigating credit systems or investing in assets like gold and silver, expect insights into how long-standing laws influence today’s societal norms and personal rights. By recognizing our rights and learning to navigate these systems effectively, we're not just participants; we're informed, empowered citizens making enlightened choices.

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