A Christian Viewpoint - Special Guest: Pastor Artur Pawlowski

4 months ago

Street Church Calgary!

We meet on the streets three times a week and inside the building, every Saturday 9:30 AM, Sunday 9 AM and Wednesday 6:30
On the streets, in front of Calgary City Hall: Wednesday 11:30 AM, Friday 5:30 PM, Sunday 1 PM.

* The Fortress (Cave) of Adullam, every Saturday 9:30 am and Sunday 9:00 am! Time of worship, testimonies, preaching. Bible study every Wednesday 6:30 pm. The address is: 4315 26 Avenue SE, Calgary.
For more information call: 403-607-4434 or email: art@streetchurch.ca


RUMBLE: rumble.com/c/ArturPawlowski

If you would like to help, you can donate by using e-transfer: art@streetchurch.ca, by using our website: streetchurch.ca, PayPal (info on the website) or you can send your support by cheque to the address here: 1740 25 A Street SW Calgary Alberta Canada T3C1J9 Street Church, Artur Pawlowski.


Thank you and bless you!

Our political solution: www.solidaritymovementofalberta.ca
Our youth revolution: www.truedominioncanada.ca

Our children are worth fighting for! Hold the Line! We are Canadians! We are Christians! We have already won the enemy just doesn’t know it yet!

Ps. The most feared, by the crooked establishments book “Lions do not bow” is out. You can get your copy here: Free shipping!
1 Amazon.ca - https://www.amazon.ca/Lions-Do-Not-Bow.../dp/1961641194
2 Indigo - Lions Do Not Bow: https://www.indigo.ca/.../lions-do-not.../9781961641198.html
3 Amazon.com - https://www.amazon.com/Lions-Do-Not-Bow.../dp/1961641194/

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