Feargus O'Conner Greenwood: Beyond the Illusion - Exposing the Lies Created by the Financial System

2 days ago

Tom Bodrovics welcomes Feargus O'Connor Greenwood, author of "180 Degrees: Unlearn the Lies That You've Been Taught to Believe." This conversation centers around understanding the financial system and changing perspectives. Feargus wrote his book due to widespread deception and manipulation in society, aiming to expose deceit, break the hold of authority, and equip readers with effective communication tools. He believes that the financial system exists not for individual prosperity but as a tool to create money from nothing and exert control. Money has functions and attributes, and Feargus stresses the importance of understanding its origins and creation.

Feargus discusses the historical manipulation of currencies by entities like the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve, arguing these institutions have caused economic depressions and perpetuated corruption. He believes fixing the monetary system is essential for solving global issues and restoring free market incentives. He sees gold, silver, and crypto as safe havens against potential hyperinflation and anticipates a significant price move in silver due to increasing demand.

Feargus discusses the potential for physical demand of metals to potentially break markets. Technological advancements are also discussed as having potential impacts on the markets. Feargus believes Bitcoin will have a role as both a decentralized currency bringing freedom and like any tool has potential for tyrannical applications.

The importance of truth, and understanding situations through a lens of proving what didn't happen rather than what did is explored. Feargus also discusses the concept of empire collapse and symptoms of decay. False flags are defined as covert operations designed to deceive and identified by broken emergency protocols, hidden evidence, and perpetrators linked with intelligence services.

Feargus discusses effective communication strategies to deploy when explaining non-mainstream topics. These include starting small, avoiding arguments, using analogies, and practicing active listening. Feargus' book provides further insights into these strategies. The conversation concludes by discussing the importance of morality and ethics as essential elements for the survival of any society.

Time Stamp References:
0:00 - Introduction
0:56 - Systemic Lies & His Book
4:03 - Financial System Purpose
8:20 - Money From Nothing
10:20 - Infinite Money = Corruption
12:16 - First Order Problems
15:22 - Money Supply Booms/Busts
19:04 - Central Bank Origins
22:30 - Savings Vs. Inflation
25:15 - Silver & Manipulation
29:29 - Purpose of the B.I.S.
32:25 - Possible Solutions
38:24 - Origin of Bitcoin?
40:48 - Describing Reality
45:47 - Empire Collapse Cycles
48:37 - Broken Protocols
54:17 - Facing Truth & Reality
57:43 - Elections & Fraud
1:01:08 - Ten Solutions

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