Whispers in the Woods: The Legend of the Pukwudgies

4 months ago

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Susy has uncovered the secrets of the Pukwudgies in the woods!

Susy talks about all the research she has done on this subject with it just starting as an old tale to something tangible. She has turned over all the stones searching for answers and while doing so she has had some of her own experiences as well.
Not only that but Suzi has ventured deep into the Bridgewater triangle (or Blob) in search of answering more mysterious events surrounding this enigmatic place! Stay tuned to learn more!

Susy Bastille is an independent researcher of the elusive and often maligned pukwudgie (that diminutive forest dwelling humanoid, and trickster, of Wampanoag folklore). Born and raised in CT, Susy's focus has been in the rich history of strange and spooky occurrences in New England.

Her research into pukwudgies led her to delve into the mystery of the Bridgewater triangle, one of New England’s most infamous high strangeness areas. The area has phenomena including numerous ghost sightings, bigfoot, thunderbirds, giant snakes, phantom lights, UFOs and of course pukwudgies. Susy is currently working on an archival project of wee folk sightings and related phenomenon across the country.

Her other passion project is researching and visiting ancient stone structures and ceremonial sites in New England which has begun to overlap with her interest in the paranormal.

She is also a co-host of THE HIGH STRANGENESS FACTOR, with Steve Ward and Andy Mercer, on The Paranormal UK Radio Network

Susy can be found

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* Neither The Host (Rye Voss) nor the podcast (Codega's Codex of Curiosities) are responsible for the views and opinions of any of the guests.
* Codega's Codex of Curiosities is a show for people to share their experiences and opinions.
* All claims made by individual guests are at their own discretion and may not reflect on the overall views of Codega's Codex of Curiosities or Rye Voss.
* We encourage listeners to do their own research and form their own opinions on the topics discussed on Codega's Codex of Curiosities. Content may be controversial or challenging, so it's important to listen critically and be aware of your own biases.

Music Credits:
78 PULSE: A Dark and Ominous Soundscape for Mysteries and Suspense - by Kjartan Abel.
Visit https://kjartan-abel.com/library to find free music for your next project.
This work is licensed under the following: CC BY-SA 4.0 Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International.

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