What 30 TONS of SNOW taught me about the LORD'S GRACE and MERCY

4 months ago

Have you ever looked back on something you are done or said and in retroflect you realize your HEART and INTENTIONS were not in the right place? I believe we all have. Sometimes we make choices out of PRIDE, EGO, INTELLECT, INSECURITY and FEAR. NONE Of which, are from GOD. My BC (Before Christ) journey was peppered with some things said or events that I was not totally surrendered to HIS will and way. I did not know what GOD wants, what HE is asking me to do, or HIS intentions and motivations for stepping forward in actions or attitudes. YET, in all HIS Graciousness, forgiveness and Merciful nature, HE showed himself at times I least expected it. I am sure you might have those times as well? The AC (After Christ) journey is totally transformative. It is a life of living with the right heart, with it set to HIS will and way, and in the end it blesses you, others and of course shines a light on the ONE we follow, and align ourselves with ..Jesus Christ, Our Lord and His Holy Spirit shape our actions, words and deeds. We strive to be in the right heart and mind and depend on HIS infinite ways and wisdom. What a brand new world and life is waiting for us all...when we surrender...

Psalm 119:36

Turn my heart toward your statutes,
not toward selfish gain.

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