🕵🏼‍♂️ Vince Vaughn as a Detective? 👁️ Red 'N Red Reel Reviews Bad Monkey

1 month ago

When was the last time Vince Vaughn tried to pull off a serious detective, crime role? True Detective Season 2? Well, that certainly lives in internet lore. Bad Monkey on Apple TV isn't QUITE as serious but definitely apart from his normal slapstick comedy. How'd it work out in this adaptation of the legend Bill Lawrence's literary mini-series?

Check out Bad Monkey on Apple TV here: https://tv.apple.com/us/show/bad-monkey/umc.cmc.2qoep59s6qukjonprttysfs8x?mttn3pid=Google%20AdWords&mttnagencyid=a5e&mttncc=US&mttnsiteid=143238&mttnsubad=OUS20191157_1-716200735420-c&mttnsubkw=162996469577__45pJVTkC_&mttnsubplmnt=_adext_

Music Credit: Monty Wames
"Raging Bull"
"New Outro, Who Dis"

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