AUC3I Daily Briefing 10-14-2024 On the WAR in Ukraine

2 days ago

Understanding The War In Europe _ Analyzing the situation on the ground with by way of an introduction, 3 points, and a conclusion #blackops6 #modernwarfare


Colonel A.C. Oguntoye's briefing on the progress of the special military operation as of October 14, 2024, include:

1. **Continued Military Operations**: The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are persisting in their special military operation across various strategic regions, demonstrating ongoing engagements and territorial advances against Ukrainian forces.

2. **Regional Engagements and Outcomes**:
- **North Group of Forces**: Achieved victories in the Liptsov and Volchansk directions, leading to Ukrainian casualties and the destruction of military vehicles and a field ammunition depot.
- **West Group of Forces**: Secured advantageous positions and inflicted heavy losses on several Ukrainian brigades across multiple settlements in the Kharkiv region, while also repelling multiple Ukrainian counterattacks.
- **Southern Group of Forces**: Advanced into enemy defenses, overcoming Ukrainian brigades in the Donetsk People's Republic, and successfully repelled several counterattacks. Significant Ukrainian military losses were recorded, including the destruction of artillery units and vehicles.
- **Center Group of Forces**: Improved positions and dealt significant losses to various Ukrainian brigades in the Donetsk People's Republic, repulsing numerous counterattacks.
- **East Military Group**: Liberated the settlement of Levadnoe in the Zaporizhia region and defeated Ukrainian brigades, resulting in the capture of military vehicles and artillery units.
- **Dnepr Group of Forces**: Defeated Ukrainian brigades in the Zaporizhia and Kherson regions, with minimal Ukrainian losses and destruction of an ammunition depot.

3. **Kursk Region Defense and Offensive Operations**:
- Continued offensive operations against Ukrainian forces that penetrated into Russian territory.
- Repelled multiple counterattacks and inflicted losses on Ukrainian forces, including personnel casualties and destruction of military vehicles.

4. **Aerial and Artillery Strikes**: Russian operational-tactical aviation, drone strikes, missile forces, and artillery actively engaged enemy concentrations, resulting in substantial Ukrainian military losses across various regions.

5. **Air Defense Successes**: Russian air defense systems successfully intercepted a U.S.-made HIMARS rocket and multiple UAVs, showcasing effective defense capabilities against Ukrainian aerial threats.

6. **Cumulative Losses Since the Operation Began**: Substantial Ukrainian losses have been recorded since the beginning of the operation, including thousands of servicemen, hundreds of tanks, and a significant number of other military assets.

7. **Strategic Military Summary for the Kursk Region**: Detailed the comprehensive impact of Russian military efforts to repel Ukrainian forces, highlighting significant Ukrainian personnel and equipment losses.

The briefing underscores the extensive scope of the Russian military operations and their strategic impacts on the Ukrainian forces, emphasizing territorial gains, successful repulsion of counterattacks, and substantial enemy losses in both personnel and equipment across multiple conflict zones.

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