Sheriff didn't get it his way at Burger King and calls for backup. Oink Oink

4 months ago

So Sheriff Pussy didn't get his fries? You cannot put these people in charge of a lemonade stand. The more they are in charge of, the more shit goes sideways. Look at South Africa or anywhere in Africa. I rest my case. This is normal for what we are working with.

Poor judgement. Abuse of office, waste of time, resources and money. Had the K-9 unit there. Seriously. I surprised this power tripping cop didn't shoot someone. What horseshit. If he is willing to do this over a cheeseburger what else is he stealing? Who else is he abusing? Start digging and it will come out. This is a pattern of behavior. This didn't start with cold fries.

A sheriff in Atlanta has come under fire after his extreme response to staff at Burger King getting his order wrong.

Cobb County sheriff, Craig Owens Sr., was seen on body camera footage calling for backup to a Burger King restaurant after staff got his order wrong, and he asked the officers to go inside and get the name of a manager.

In the video the officers approached Owens in his truck in the parking lot and said: 'Hey, do me a favor. I need to get - all I need is the owner name of whoever owns this damn facility or the manager.'

He continued: 'I wanted her [passenger] a Whopper, no mayo, cut in half, right? I don't need no damn money back no more. I just need to find out who owns this place so I can do an official complaint to complain about the service.'

Then, saying he wanted the name of the owner or manager, he makes a remark of the assistant manager on site.

'It may be an assistant manager here now. But I don't know who he is, but he's a straight-up a**,' he added.

Without questioning why he didn't get the information himself, the deputies approached the doors of the restaurant where the employees had locked themselves inside.

After the staff opened the doors for the three deputies, one tells the assistant manager: 'Nobody is in trouble we just want to get some names.'

'There isn't even going to be a report written. That guy out there, he's just going to file a complaint for his food,' he adds.

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