Miss America Pageant To Drop Swimsuit Competition; What's Next?

6 years ago

The competition began nearly 100 years ago in Atlantic City, New Jersey as a bathing beauty contest designed to keep tourists coming to the seaside resort in the weekend after Labor Day.

Gretchen Carlson, a former Miss America who is head of the organization's board of trustees, made the announcement Tuesday on "Good Morning America."

Carlson, whose sexual harassment lawsuit against Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes led to his departure, said the board has heard from potential contestants saying, "We don't want to be out there in high heels and swimsuits."

"Guess what?" she said. "You don't have to anymore."

Asked if she is worried the show's television ratings might suffer because of the elimination of swimsuits, Carlson said she is not, adding that the swimsuit portion is not the highest rated section of the broadcast. Viewers seem to be more interested in the talent competition, she said.

She also said the group will make changes to the evening wear portion of the competition, adding it will not judge women on their chosen attire.

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