Britain under seige 150years - Finally Collapse of the Dictatorship is a Sign of Freedom

4 months ago

This is an educational history of England-GreatBritain-United Kingdom divided & conquered by imposters acting as its Dictators. YOU WILL KNOW THEM BY THEIR FRUITS: Cycles of wars,
Cycles of Recessions,
Cycles of poverty,
Cycles of starvation Cycles of homelessness. Their postal address census data collection is part of dirty pedophile surveillance & keeps them tracking individuals. They are - academic Devils, religious Devils & military Devils disguised as angels of light.
The end of the British pound has arrived & the crown-vatican-rothschilds days are numbered. This is a prediction of the Collapse of these emperial corporations of the London stock exchange, UK intelligence & rogue royals from Count Draculas genealogies addicted to blood shed. And given Cult Media promotion by blackmail & bribery witch craft socery by wizzards, warlocks, witches.
The invading & raiding of other countries has nowdays left a global reputation of ruthless racist extremist, at its worst - these gold diggers, bank robbers & grave robbers are a public spectacle of shame & their chosen doom self judgement.
Covid19 Rothchilds patent for Vaccine euthanasia, exposed all!
This coupe, will not survive its own destruction, reaping a consequence from a Divine Judgement from on High liken to a 2nd Coming. Sowing & Reaping is the Destined Fate, even the levels of evil reaches a point where it is BALANCED BY JUSTICE.
Then, comes Peace. Mr Amery was sentenced to death in 1945 - by this Evil Satanic death cult, that his documentary pointed out as A True Report.
Where is JUSTICE to protect Whistle Blowers intelligence?
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