Communion – Partnership, Participation, Fellowship

3 days ago

Communion – Partnership, Participation, Fellowship

By Pastor Gary Wayne

Text: Genesis 14:18-20, 1 Corinthians 11:23-30

A few months ago, I read through Leviticus and Numbers. As I read through the instructions God gave for the different sacrifices, I kept feeling God was highlighting the different times when the priests would sacrifice an animal, the instructions were to catch the blood and pour it out at the base of the brazen altar.

I’m kind of a visual person, and I grew up around butchering animals for food.
So I’m not squeamish when it comes to this topic, but when I spend time thinking through these instructions, I am left with the thought – “What a mess that must have been.” Dressed in white, catching blood from a dying animal, then pouring it out at the base of the altar. And if they spent the day sacrificing animals ….. This had to be messy.

Then when I sit and try to envision the crucifixion, again I’m left with the knowledge that what Jesus did on the cross was messy.
As graphic as the movie “The Passion of The Christ” was, I believe it was much worse in real life. Isa 52:14 “…his appearance was so disfigured beyond that of any man and his form marred beyond human likeness.”

With this reflective, I’m also left with the reality that my sin caused this.
Sin is messy. And ignoring sin is worse - deadly. But God “abundant in mercy” loved you and me enough to get messy.

If you have read my notes this morning, you don’t get to answer. Who remembers in the bible the first-time communion was observed?

Gen.14:18-20 when Melchizedek served “bread and wine” to Abram.
There are two things that caught my attention as I read this recently.
1. Melchizedek was the one who brought the elements.

Abram wasn’t after God’s blessing, this was God’s idea.
Abram didn’t do a religious action in hopes of getting something.
Melchizedek wanted to bless Abram, so he supplied what was necessary for this blessing.
Abram just stepped through the instructions.

God’s deep desires are to bless you and me, so He supplied what was needed for us to LIVE in His blessing.
Even thought it was messy, “God so loved that He gave.”

Whenever we take communion we should remember, this was God’s instruction.
This isn’t an activity that get’s God’s attention this is to get my attention.

2. 15:1 " After these things….". After what? After communion. The word of the Lord came.

Remember after Jesus rose from the dead, and the account of the walk to Emmaus in Lk.24. “Jesus was known to them in the breaking of bread.”

Not only did God bring the ingredients to the table, He wants to share Himself with us in the happening of communion.
What is the meaning of communion? “Koinonia” - partnership, participation, fellowship.

Whenever I observe communion, - here at church, or in my living room – I can count on God wanting to partnership, participate, and fellowship with me in this.
How often we just rush through this with a one-way focus.

Today, I want to influence you to take communion and spend time interacting with Jesus.

1 Cor.11:24 “broken for you.”
TAKE THE BREAD – let’s take a moment and remember what this symbolizes.

Isa 53:5 “But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace (shalowm) was upon Him; and by His stripes we are healed.
He endured the punishment that made us completely whole (TPT)
He was beaten so we could be whole, He was whipped so we could be healed. (NLT)

If you have a physical need, declare over your body His TRUTH.

Think about others who need healing – declare over them.

Are there broken relationships in your life, proclaim “shalom” - peace over them.
Eat the Bread.

TAKE THE CUP - The blood cleanses me from all unrighteousness and sets me free from bondage.
If there is sin in my life, I confess it before Him right now. God forgive me.
Say this: The blood of Jesus sets me free.

Focus for a moment on people you know needs salvation. Say their names out loud.
If there are people who oppose you, your family, Ask God to bless them in every way – Body, Soul, Spirit.

Take the cup and drink.
Now let’s sit with Him for a moment.

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