Marjorie Taylor Greene was actually right when she claimed scientists could alter the weather

2 days ago

PLOT TWIST: Marjorie Taylor Greene was actually right when she claimed scientists could alter the weather.

This is not a “conspiracy theory.”

Over 50 countries, including the US, are using cloud seeding and geoengineering to change the weather.

This has been proven true by numerous scientific studies, historical military operations, and active government programs.

For example, the U.S. Department of Defense's Operation Popeye during the Vietnam War successfully used cloud seeding to extend monsoon seasons, while China's massive weather modification efforts have been publicly documented, with plans to control half the country's weather by 2025.

Additionally, a U.S. federal agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), acknowledges the use of cloud seeding to increase precipitation.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has also warned that The World Economic Forum and Bill Gates have “hijacked geoengineering,” with Gates funding these projects around the world.

“They aggravate the problem then sell us the solution,” Kennedy said, and the solution is that “they want is more social controls.”

“Geoengineering is a threat that the environmental community needs to know about and the rest of us needs to know about.”

And if you ask Amazon's Alexa a specific question about Hurricane Helene, she sounds like a “conspiracy theorist.”

Weather manipulation is real, it's happening now, and it’s far bigger than most people realize.

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