101324 Such were some of you – Mike M

4 months ago

Such were some of you – Mike M
Prophetic words, instruction, understanding.
💡 👋🏽Shalom Family,
Spiritual travelling should only be done under the operations/influence of God.

Did you know?
1. Astral travel is widely practiced in pagan religions, branches of psychology and some Christians. ( roman Catholics/ protestant)

2. There are 66 astral techniques. Some even taught in psychology and Christian sects.

3. Practitioners of astral projection are able to:-
📍Access levels of consciousness. ( hidden knowledge?)
📍Access physical locations on earth. ( spy? monitor? gain intel? curse, vex and spell?)
📍Access archives of nature ( gain grounds in related disciplines i.e herbal medicine?)
📍View events past, present ( clairvoyance) and future ( precognition). ( ..for what purposes? predict? fortune tell? PROPHESY? manipulate outcomes? )

4. Also, Skrying/ seership, the use of Crystal balls, water, ink pools and other devices, to enter a trance and experience events in the astral matrix. ( to monitor? access information for manipulative purposes?)

5. Many see into the spiritual realms, but are unable to interpret correctly, and error in divination... BECAUSE THE HOLY SPIRIT WHO GIVES UNDERSTANDING IS NOT OPERATING IN THEM. Many visit YT ministries for understanding, ... but also cast spells over them. ( this is what plagues many YT ministries)

6. There are theologians/ Christians who have authored books, promoting this occultic practices, ..and use /twist scriptures to make it look acceptable. This is deception ,.. it is SIN,.. it goes against the WILL OF GOD.
It serves selfish evil agendas. ( fame, power, monetary gain, and place stumbling blocks in pple paths......)

6. Be very very vigilant in discerning messages ( ..applies to me to), do not be quick to believe what is shared from spiritual realms.

7. When one continuously drinks from polluted cisterns, one becomes unclean/ defiled, and cannot hear from God anymore.

📃 link:-

ransomed:- rescued, recovered, saved
astral projection:- soul wandering, out of body experiences, spirit travel.
silver cord:- connection between one's physical body and one's spirit.

📌 photos courtesy pinterest

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