Cranky Grandpa Joe's Back! Biden: Americans Who Criticize Hurricane Relief Effort Will 'Pay A Price'

3 months ago

Posted • October 13, 2024: For a brief, shining moment, Joe Biden was doing a good job with hurricane relief efforts. He was reaching out to Ron DeSantis and humiliating Kamala Harris in the process. But that Joe Biden is gone and cranky Grandpa Joe is back. This time vowing Americans who criticize hurricane relief efforts will 'pay a price.' Biden says Americans will "pay a price" for criticizing his hurricane response. He'll have to wait until FEMA finds the source of 'misinformation', though. -- What drugs is he taking now? Gonna need to adjust them, clearly. What kind of price? What sort of threat is this? Maybe put Americans first and do your jobs and you won't be criticized. Remember, you're supposed to be working for US. -- We've let him down by being unhappy they ignored people drowning in North Carolina.

Making threats against the American people now? This is a little strange for the president of the United States to say. It's not the first time, though. Remember the winter of 'severe illness and death'? -- Can you imagine if Trump said this? They took a comment -- his remarks on the 'bloodbath' the auto industry would face if Biden were re-elected -- and spun it into a threat of violence. We don't have to imagine, cause they make stuff up about Trump all the time. -- Are they going to throw us in jail on trumped up charges? (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Cranky Grandpa Joe's Back! Biden Says Americans Who Criticize Hurricane Relief Efforts Will 'Pay a Price'

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