War Thunder - For-Real War Thunder stream with SQUAD COMMS (Oct 13, 2024)

Streamed on:

I plan on using several vehicles today for which I have personally made new texture/skins for the vehicles. I welcome comments in the below.

Special thanks to Scott Buckley for his amazing music which he graciously made available for this production! Thanks Scott! Selections from his Soundcloud library played in the background: https://soundcloud.com/scottbuckley

Joining the squadron today are:
#1) Thunderhead84 (Rumble's "Nerdy Geek")
#2) QSDL (Rumble's "DungeonPastor")
#3) Saber-6-
#4) Saber7-VII

#5) Jemanuel
#6 Haruya_jin

Thanks for watching

If you don’t have a rumble account, signup here to like, comment, and for other free benefits: https://rumble.com/register/NerdyGeek/

Please check out more similar videos on my channels:

For general War Thunder videos of all kinds:
TheWhole9Yards: https://rumble.com/c/c-699725

For SHORT War Thunder videos of all kinds (for those with a tight time budget)
TheWhole9Yards-HilightClips: https://rumble.com/c/c-739567

Thunder Squadron playing matches together:
ThunderSquadron: https://rumble.com/c/c-815553

Thunder Squadron leader and second play alone sometimes without the rest of the squadron
ImmortalWingmen: https://rumble.com/c/c-815543

Other members of Thunder squadron produce videos or request them to be produced on their behalf
ThunderSquadronWingmen: https://rumble.com/c/c-6773053

Live-stream & realistic/simulator matches:

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