The LORD knoweth the thoughts of man

5 months ago

The world is difficult. To many, the world is becoming more and more scary. It is easy to look at the events that happening in this world and believe that the world is coming to an end. And people should be scared. There is much happening that seems to have no rhyme or reason. People are behaving in an ever worsening fashion, and there seems to be no letting up. Up is down and left is right and good is evil and evil is good. People look at the weather and believe that climate change is the cause of it all. People are being splintered into different self-appointed groups and nobody seems to want to get along with anyone else. For the believer on Jesus Christ, we cry out, “Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus.” For the person does not believe, they are becoming more scared as they realize that they do not know for sure what the future will bring.

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