Doctors Lie About Statins and Cholesterol

4 months ago

Those of you taking statins for your cholesterol, you have been lied to. You heard me clearly. YOU HAVE BEEN LIED TO!!!

When you understand the difference between "relative risk" and "absolute risk" when it comes to taking statins for cholesterol, you quickly realize the lies of pharmaceutical companies that push these drugs. Case in point, the original Lipitor was marketed to reduce the risk of heart attach by 36%, and in reality, it was only 1%. Some statins today are advertised to reduce risk of heart attack by nearly 50%, but in reality (absolute risk), it is less than 1%. I wrote this article to help you better understand:

RECENT STORY: One of my female client’s husband has been on a statin for about 8 months. One day she asked me about dementia because her husband was showing signs. I asked her if he was taking statins and she said yes. Her husband stopped taking the statin, and a month later, no signs of dementia.

STATIN SIDE EFFECTS: When taking a statin the side effects include muscle aches, and increased risk of type 2 diabetes, and memory loss. There are other side effects, but ask yourself, “If I take a statin, I will have less than 1% reduced risk of heart attack and stroke, and significant increased risk of side effects.

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