Barabbas . Cometa Tsuchinshan-Atlas ☄️

15 hours ago

C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) is a comet that can be observed with the naked eye from the northern hemisphere in October 2024. It reached a magnitude of over −4 and was the third brightest comet in the last 100 years.
Because of this extraordinary brightness, it is counted among the "Great Comets".The closest approach to Earth corresponds to a distance of about 70.7 million kilometers.

According to the orbital elements as given in the JPL Small-Body Database and which also take into account non-gravitational forces on the comet, it was still moving on an elliptical orbit long before its approach to the Sun, but its eccentricity was extremely close to a value of 1. The comet probably comes from the outer regions of the Oort Cloud and experiences its first passage through the inner solar system as a "dynamically young" comet. Less due to the gravitational pull of the planets than to the outgassing effects near the Sun, its orbital eccentricity will be reduced to about 0.99990 and the semi-major axis to about 3800 AU in the future, so that its orbital period will be shortened to about 240,000 years.
Popocatépetl [popokaˈtepetl] (Nahuatl: Popōcatepētl [popoːkaˈtepeːtɬ] (= smoking mountain)), sometimes also called El Popo or Don Goyo, is a volcano on the edge of the highlands of Mexico. It is considered one of the most active volcanoes in Mexico. Its current height is up to 5452 m, depending on the source. This makes it the second highest volcano in North America after Citlaltépetl (5636 m, also Pico de Orizaba) and the second highest mountain in Mexico.
Barabbas – Er lebte, weil Jesus starb | Trailer (deutsch)
07.2020 #Bibel #Jesus #Barabbas
Greek: Bαραββᾶς) was a man mentioned in the New Testament who lived in Palestina
Barabbas (e in the 1st century AD and was in Roman custody at the time of Jesus' trial.
According to the Passion stories, Pontius Pilate is said to have offered the assembled people the alternative of releasing either Barabbas or Jesus. This episode is reported in all the Gospels immediately before the crucifixion of Jesus According to the Gospel of Mark (Mk 15:7), Barabbas was imprisoned or imprisoned along with some rebels who had committed murder.Who were the two who were crucified with Jesus?
Schächer – Wikipedia
In traditional Christian iconography, Dismas is depicted to the right of Jesus and Gismas/Kosmas to the left of Jesus.What happened to Pontius Pilate's wife after Jesus was crucified?She takes Pilate's guilt upon herself for the execution of Jesus and he also has her executed. In the scene, she is baptized in blood and made a martyr.
What happened to Pontius Pilate after the resurrection of Jesus?
The church historian Eusebius (Church History 2.7.1) claims in the early fourth century that "tradition says" that Pilate committed suicide after being recalled to Rome because of the shame he was in. Eusebius dates this to the year 39.
Jesus' condemnation

crucified! Pilate said to them, "Take him and crucify him, for I find no fault in him." The Jews answered him, "We have a law, and according to the law he must die, because he made himself the Son of God."Who was Caesar when Jesus was crucified?
Answer and Explanation: The Emperor of Rome at the time of Jesus' crucifixion was Tiberius, whose full name was Tiberius Julius Caesar Augustus, although his original name was Tiberius Claudius Nero. Marcus Pontius Pilate was the governor or prefect of Judea who gave the order for the crucifixion.Was Jesus considered King of the Jews?
He was born into David's family. Jesus was called the Son of David as the Messiah. And during his trial and crucifixion, he was called the King of the Jews. The other meaning of Christ's fulfillment of this role is cosmic in nature.
Are the 10 Commandments the same in Judaism and Christianity?
The Ten Commandments apply to Jews and Christians alike. But they are perceived differently. This starts with the counting: In Judaism, compared to Christianity, there is a separate second commandment, namely not to make an image of God.When did Christianity separate from Judaism?
It was not until the rabbinical synod of Jabne, at the beginning of the 2nd century, that the Rabbinical Synod of Jabne was established. In the early 19th century, and through the Council of Nicaea in 325, Judaism and Christianity began to clearly distinguish themselves from each other.
"So Jesus says, when you see these things happening, freak out, because you're dead. No, he didn't say that! He said, "When you see these things happening, look up, for your redemption is drawing near."

"Here is the bottom line and the truth to take home: Bible prophecy is being fulfilled in our lifetime. It seems that more and more things are happening in real time, closer to each other, as the Scriptures have announced. So what should we do? We should look up. And we should remember that God is in control." >

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