Monk Warrior Intro - Declaring War on the Feminist Dystopia

3 months ago

Hello. In this video I formally declare war on feminism and ideologies that are bringing us closer to a psychological extinction of the human species that i have dubbed 1984 skynet. No im not wearing my tin foil hat. This simply refers to the possible future similar to the movie 1984 enforced by ai. Call me crazy, but just 4 years ago we thought nuclear holocost impossible, and ai was in its infant stages. To be clear im not against AI, but i see it as a tool that could be used for great good, or great evil. With big companies, feminism, and socialists creating dystopia all around us. Is the world of 1984 combined with skynet really far fetched as a possibility. So as with this video. I am doing something. I have no clue if i will do anything at all. But i have to do something.

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