Darkness by The Police ~ Shine Your Light for Darkness Obfuscates the Truth...

13 hours ago

Darkness is the 11th and Final Track on the Police's 1981 Album, Ghost in the Machine, an album that revealed the Problems of this World and laid the Blame at our own Doorsteps, as we are the Ones who have accepted all of these Man-Created Problems as our own, and Live under the INSANITY that comes with them; thus, Darkness was an appropriate closing Track to the Album, as in the lyric, Drummer Stewart Copeland explained succinctly and perfectly that...

'Darkness makes me Fumble, for a Key, to a Door, that's Wide Open...'

And not only is this line the Key to the Song, but the Key to the Entire Album, that all of these 'Bread and Circus' Distractions that Organized Society feeds us, all of the LIES they Sell us on, and all of the Negativity that they Force us to Listen to thru the constant bombardment of the Mainstream Media, Creates a DARKNESS in this World, that in actuality isn't even there, and this Darkness then takes Root INSIDE OF US, replacing the Childhood Light of Innocence and Grace that God Bestows Within us for a False Reality of Dark Evil, that ultimately Changes us into Doubters of extreme Caution, coming to Trust in Nothing and No one, learning to Live alone, constantly on Edge and in Fear, instead of in Peace and Love...

Darkness, simply put, HIDES the Beautiful and Perfect Truth of God's Creation, for an Alternative Reality that actually isn't Real, that sucks our Energy and Life Force into its Void of Emptiness, where the Hope and Faith Inside of Us dissipates for a Diminished Life of Fear and Despair, where we come to obsess our Dark Past so that it dominates our Mind with a Fear for our Future, all the while Obfuscating the ONLY THING that is Truly REAL about our Reality, which is the HERE and NOW...

And so, we Must remember that we don't need to Look for the Key to Open God's Door, and to KNOW HIM, for that Door is always WIDE OPEN, we just need to remove the Darkness and Despair that has rooted itself within us, so that the LIGHT of this World will begin to SHINE Within Us, once more...

For, We are Spirits in a Material World, are Spirits in a Material World...and NEVER forget this Holistic Truth of Creation...

Love, CF

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