Dr David Halpin: Covid Jab Caused Queens Bone Cancer? Dying Young, End Of Life, How Covid Jabs Kill.

3 months ago

Dr David Halpin Devon Inquest, End Of Life, Died Unexpectedly Young; How Do The Covid Jabs Kill?



Deaths with 'covid' - Holmesley Care Home Sidford, Devon, UK


Published: 09 October 2024

David KellyI have had a lot to deal with this 'unnatural death'; I have used my knowledge as a doctor first and surgeon second, to clarify the forensic elements in this case of global relevance.

His death was all about the war on Iraq - for Israel (see my website and search 'Oded Yinon'). The part played by the paramount psychopath and war criminal SIR Anthony Charles Lynton Blair in that 'aggressive' war from which so many crimes flow - Nuremberg 1, and in the investigation of this single death among millions, is central. He ordered the whitewash of the Hutton inquiry whilst David Kelly's body was still cooling in Harrowdown Wood, and before the identity of the corpse had been confirmed by his GP Dr Warner!
It is now 21 years since his death and over 20 years since our small group - mostly doctors and some with special knowledge first called for an inquest. This is yet to happen, as with the trial of Sir Anthony Blair in an international court.

There is a vast bibliography and videography, some of which is on my hard disc. (BTW - there were seven such - encrypted, in David Kelly's house in Southmoor. These taken by people without uniform, the Thames Valley police having been pushed aside.)

Our group had promised to plead in the High Court for judicial review of the then Attorney General Dominic Grieve in his refusal to instigate an inquest. I kept that promise in Halpin v Regina in a rigged hearing 19-12-2011 and with wide and rapid public support. Of course, 'my' plea failed.

Read more: Deaths with 'covid' - Holmesley Care Home Sidford, Devon, UK

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