HAARP 內部人士承認颶風米爾頓是「天氣戰」陰謀的一部分,旨在「摧毀社會」 HAARP Insider Admits Hurricane Milton Part of 'Weather Warfare' Plot To 'Collapse Society'

3 months ago


#HAARP 內部人士承認 #颶風 #米爾頓 是「 #天氣戰 」陰謀的一部分,旨在「摧毀社會」

HAARP Insider Admits #Hurricane #Milton Part of ' #WeatherWarfare ' Plot To 'Collapse Society'

多名 HAARP #告密者 敲響了警鐘,警告稱一波人為極端天氣事件即將到來,這些事件預計會在頻率和強度上增加,目的是造成大面積破壞,引發經濟崩潰,並減少目標地區(指定為殺戮區)的人口,所有這些都會在短時間內發生。

根據 #全球主義者 的說法,這個精心策劃的計劃最方便的部分是他們內置的合理否認,任何敢於指責的人都會被打上 #陰謀論者 的標籤,被貼上危險的標籤,並可能被送往拘留營。

但 #精英 們有一個問題:我們擁有我們需要的所有證據,從政府文件到無可辯駁的證據,我們可以證明他們在操縱天氣, #海倫 颶風和米爾頓?他們手上沾滿了鮮血。

Multiple HAARP #WhistleBlower s have sounded the alarm, warning that a wave of man-made extreme weather events is on the horizon. These events are expected to grow in both frequency and intensity, with the goal of causing widespread destruction, triggering economic collapse, and reducing populations in targeted areas—designated as kill zones—all within a short period of time.

According to the #Globalist s, the most convenient part of this carefully orchestrated plan is their built-in plausible deniability. Anyone who dares to point a finger will be branded a #ConspiracyTheorist , labeled dangerous, and potentially sent to internment camps.

But there’s one problem for the #Elite s: we have all the evidence we need. From government documents to undeniable proof, we can show that they’re manipulating the weather. Hurricanes #Helene and Milton? The blood is on their hands.


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來源: #TPV #ThePeoplesVoice 英語原版 https://rumble.com/v5i80oz-haarp-insider-admits-hurricane-milton-part-of-weather-warfare-plot-to-colla.html

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