Trust in Trump

4 months ago

Trust in Trump

People are choosing to go into fear, choosing to moan and choosing to repeat the words of others without once taking the time to do any sinple search for themselves

People pushing out fear now are on the wrong team, they are traffickers and if you continue following them to the point you mirror their words and energy, the further down the fear ladder you go

People have to start thinking for themsevles and use common sense

Logical thinking can clearly see Trump is in full control, logical thinking would go and look yourself to confirm this

Start by Watching The Great Awakening - The Bonfire Guy. Come back and tell us when did Trump ever lose control?

We are in Full Control, so obvious to see know this if you pay attention to Trump

Fear is a choice, Keep that away from here

We have had the ball the entire time

#harrythesoulcoach #trump #truth

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