Break Out

5 months ago

Why remain limited to a 3D life, when the technology is available to move up to 4D+ in the Second Coming?

Since 3D living is all that people know, they are unconscious of the futility and chains that bind them, and the spiritual cage that imprisons them.

Social media platforms are a way to create false impressions of what amazing lives people have. But all the self-marketing does not erase the reality of the stress, pain, depression, sickness, and unhappiness of life in 3D.

In the Second Coming, you can be recreated with new capabilities and awareness, that catapults you above the earth-bound, setting you free from all the negative, and enables you to live without boundaries.

This new Spirit and Life is God's gift to you, but you must reach out, take it, and open it, just like a new app that you have downloaded.
Get it! Open it!

The Second Coming is not for the religious who have their doctrines, laws and beliefs all locked into place. It is for the normal. The intelligent. The brave.

The Spirit of the Second Coming adds another dimension to your life, and only the negative is eliminated. You lose nothing but the crap, and gain everything.

Watch this video again, and with every screen, just say in your mind and heart, "Yes!" Just like Mary did when the Archangel told her of the first coming.
Your event will begin.

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