Optimus: A look into Tesla's new humanoid robot

4 months ago

We may be on the brink of a new era where robots not only perform tasks but also become embedded in human society.
This week, Tesla once again surprised the tech world when its humanoid robot "Optimus" flirted with the crowd during the unveiling of the company's robo-van.

The robots astonished the audience by not only wandering among the attendees but also by speaking with a human-like accent, using modern slang, and incorporating verbal pauses as if they were a normal part of our daily lives.

Tesla appears to not only be building robots to perform tasks but is creating characters made to sound as human as possible.

While the robots mingling with the crowd were actors, they demonstrated, according to the company, the potential capabilities of the robots that will soon be marketed.

During the event, Optimus emerged from a warehouse and moved into the crowd, showcasing its ability to perform daily tasks like picking up a package from the porch or watering plants. Alongside this was the unveiling of the new robo-van.

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