(2020) In the Name of Zion (382 minutes)

4 months ago

A comprehensive documentary that unveils the hidden truths behind the creation of the State of Israel and its subsequent events.

Just over 6-hour long documentary which is a compilation of a lot of great researchers like Antony Sutton, James Corbett, Benjamin Freedman, Bill Still, David Irving, Hitler speeches, Holocaust hoax researchers, etc... that shows you the real history the Zionist controllers don't want people to know.

[0-2:20] Narrating voice sounds like researcher James Corbett
[2:20- 9:05] Benjamin Freedman from his 1961 speech.
[9:06- 14:00 ] Rothschild Balfour agreement. Rothschild family. Lend to the Goyim.
[14:01- 31:00] Bill Still documentary

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