(1985) Zionist Bankers were the Main Financiers of Adolph Hitler - WW2 Historian David Irving

4 months ago

David Irving in Canada talks about how Zionist Bankers were the financiers of Adolf Hitler.

The great researcher Antony Sutton had researched WW2 in the late 1960's & early 1970's and found the SAME BANKING FAMILIES (Rothschild, Warburg's, etc...) had funded BOTH side of WW2. Antony was so shocked he then began to research all the wars going back to Napoléon Bonaparte 1815 and found all the wars since then had been FINANCED on BOTH SIDES by these SAME ZIONIST SATANIC BANKING FAMILIES. Controlling both sides of the conflict and Antony also found out through access to the Yale Skull & Bones leather bound membership book that every industrialist was a member and how these Satanic banking families increase their empires with all the Secret Masonic families like the Bush, Kerry families that just happened to run against each other in the 2004 US Presidency. Skull & Bones won regardless of who got in.

Like David Irving, Antony Sutton had been persecuted through LAWFARE for the rest of his life up to 2002 when he died and I remember his last interview he was asked after all he did uncovering the truth was it worth it and he said as far as his own personal life it was obviously not worth it as they bankrupted him like they always do but on the other hand it was worth the truth getting out there. He wrote many of his books in the early 1970's and was good friends with Eustace Mullins.

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