LEARN this, IMPROVE, and SHRED on! Solo like a BEAST 2.

4 months ago

Tabs for alternate picking. Add this phrase to your practice routine.

In my opinion, to play this over 200 bpm, you have to get a certain "feeling", or vibe, to make it sound cool with your alternate picking. That is best way I can describe it. I hope that makes sense to some, if not all. Use a metronome.

Well, I did not use a metronome when I recorded this phrase for you, so I was a bit sloppy when playing this full speed. I just did not notice until I slowed the video down to make my tabs. However, the tabs are correct, and the feeling is there. Everything is going to be okay, I promise.

-Boss Katana:GO direct into a ZOOM Q8 Camera.
-Epiphone Plus Top Pro FX, 2014.

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