Rediscovering Medicine Uncensored – Dr Melissa McCann – Australian COVID Vaccine Injury Class Action

1 day ago

Dr Melissa McCann is a general practitioner (GP) based in the Whitsundays region of North Queensland Australia and have moved a little out of my small-town obscurity to some awareness of my role in instigating a Federal Class Action on behalf of injured and bereaved persons following Covid 19 vaccination.

Sky News Australians seeking compensation -

There is so much I want to say about this topic, how this all started, why I felt motivated to instigate this, some of the stories of suffering and grief, a few of the amazing people I have met along the way, both injured and bereaved as well as many selfless advocates, what I have learned about the covid vaccines and my many interactions and correspondences with the TGA/ AHPRA/ health ministers and others.

I sometimes hear of a desire to ‘move on’ from covid and a reluctance to dwell on the plight of those who have suffered or paid the ultimate price after vaccination but I honestly believe that vaccine harm is one of the most important topics and one that we must not cease to talk about until there is truth, understanding and some justice and compensation.

This video below is from a speaking event where I described some of what had led me to bringing the class action. It was completely terrifying! I am not a public speaker, but felt this was so important to be said as many people were being ridiculed and mocked when they sought medical care after suffering from side effects of the vaccine -
I hope it had the intended effect of educating the public, and paving a way for more respectful and aware conversations with medical providers; and I have been told by many that it did.

This video gives an introduction to the class action and some of the claims being made -

There is so much information gaining publicity on the vaccines themselves and the mechanisms by which they may cause harm and this video is a very simplified summary of some of those mechanisms and an introduction from the instructing solicitor for the class action -

Please share the class action website and link to join the action

If you are in a position to support this class action, please do so and share our crowdfunding platform

Please share this information with anyone who may be suffering from adverse events or grief after covid 19 vaccination and invite them to join via the website link -

Ultimately this action is not about me or the lawyers, or even really about John Skerritt or Brendan Murphy or any of the other respondents- this is about the thousands of people who have suffered, it is about how we were all (allegedly) misled about the safety and efficacy of these products, it is about informed consent and the ethics of mandating vaccination and it is ultimately about caring as much about the suffering of another as we would if it happened to oneself and fighting for those who do not have the health and strength to fight for themselves.

We are truly witnessing a Great Awakening, with so many no longer living unconsciously but instead living with purpose, guided by love for humanity and making positive contributions to the lives of family, friends and community.

I have some substack posts,, out or coming soon and I will cover -
• Stories from the injured and bereaved.
• Periodic Safety Update reports- what are they and what have these shown for the Pfizer vaccine.
• Causality assessments- how is causality determined when reviewing adverse events.
• DAEN database- how to navigate this, introduction to the OpenDAEN
• Class action claim document- more about the claims being alleged against the respondents
• Various avenues for support and compensation
• Have I come to the attention of AHPRA due to speaking publicly about this? (Spoiler- yes. Update on my current appeal through QCAT to follow)

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