Episode 45: Courage Can Happen In an Instant

4 months ago

In this episode, join us as we explore 'Courage Can Happen in an Instant'. When we have an accident, or something scary happen, we can take years to get our courage back. WHY? If the fear can happen in an instant, why can't the courage come back in an instant? It can. Well, not sure how to get it in an instant but 30 minutes or less. Why do we spend weeks, months or years in therapy?

Turn Fear Around Podcast is filled with simple methods that can be used to overcome fear and anxiety. They are short - 5 to 10 minutes usually, so that you can spend the time practicing and more importantly, DOING. You can always re-listen if you would like!


1. How fear sets in
2. What we think of that fear
3. We don't have to wait for courage

When anxiety has you feeling stuck and unable to see the path forward, a hypnotherapy session could be the key to unlocking your confidence and joy. It’s surprising how much change can occur in just one session! You don’t have to spend months—or even years—struggling with fear. Let’s connect and explore if hypnotherapy is the right fit for you! : https://elisehittinger.com/landing/hypnochat

If you want to use my process to regain your courage, you can get it in my book here: Amazon.com: Rise From Fear To Courage: Saddle Up and Enjoy Riding Your Horse Again or you can get it on my website at the bottom of the homepage: https://elisehittinger.com/page/homepage

For the blog with further tips on the podcast: https://elisehittinger.com/blog/48974/how-can-i-get-courage-fast-

Fear to Courage Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FINDINGCOURAGEHORSE

Follow Me on: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/elisehittinger/

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YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@elisehittinger5358

LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/elisehittinger/

Website - https://elisehittinger.com/

Thank you for watching!

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