GO TIME!!! The SCOTUS BRUNSON CASE! [See more information in video details.]

4 months ago

LoyBrunson.com Right now! Please do it once and find out how powerful the CLICK can be. Your CLICK is Mightier than the Sword. (or .pdf at bottom Print it!)

Loy Brunson has been passionate about the Constitution since childhood. He currently is interviewed on many shows and travels the country as a guest speaker at Patriot events.

His real interest and focus now is educating Kids on our Constitution. Realizing that our education system is not teaching the most fundamental reasons, why our founding fathers fought and paid the ultimate price, was to live Free and be governed by guiding principles laid out in our Constitution.

It is critical we all learn the power vested in “We The People” by our Constitution and that we must participate to protect and defend this amazing document established to protect our Freedom. In the great quote from Ronald Reagan, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction”.

Loy has two letters on the menu above that you can participate in support of, on critical and timely issues that will effect our Constitutional Republic.

Don’t miss the “Event” tab as he will be announcing up coming events with more information for the whole family to enjoy.
To your Freedom !!!!
Loy Brunson


July 7th the petition for Re-Hearing was Docketed. A Conference date for this Case # 22-1028, will most likely be set after SCOTUS returns from recess in October.

This is our time, for the American people to speak up with your pen. Be part of history!!! Loy’s Case is the first Rule 11 Docketed since the 1970’s and the first ever docketed by a Pro se litigant in the history of the United States. We need all your support in getting these letters out, for case # 22-1028. Please join us in showing the supreme court, “We The People”, are behind and in support of this case, to save our Constitution and to insure the “Oath” is binding, as required by article 6 of our Constitution.


July 3, 2023, Loy Brunson signed the Petition for Re-Hearing. Petition will be sent overnight to the Supreme Court. Expect to see a Docket for a NEW Conference date by Mid July, likely set for October when the Supreme Court returns from break.

June 26, 2023, Case # 22-1028 denied Hearing.
June 6, 2023, this case # 22-1028 is now set for a new Supreme Court Conference date – JUNE 22, 2023.
May 24, 2023, This new Docketed case #22-1028 US Solicitor General, waived defendants rights to oppose petition prior to conference.
April 19, 2023 has received, filed and docketed Loy Arlan Brunson’s emergency RULE 11 PETITION FOR A WRIT OF CERTIORARI.The Supreme Court of the United States under its’ “imperative public importance” RULE 11 has allowed Loy Arlan Brunson to bypass the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals


A petition for a writ of certiorari to review a case pending in a United States court of appeals, before judgment is entered in that court, will be granted only upon a showing that the case is of such Imperative Public Importance as to justify deviation from normal appellate practice and to require immediate determination in this Court.
You can write a letter by printing off the form here:


Video Source: https://rumble.com/v5hndo1-go-time-the-scotus-brunson-case-your-clicks-can-help-save-usa.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp

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