What Is True Christianity? Freedom or Law? Religion or Relationship? #JesusMessage #GodLovesYou

4 months ago

The closer you get to Jesus, the more you will understand how deeply He loves you. The more you understand this vast depth of His love for you, the more your natural response is to love Him back… to praise and worship Him. True praise and worship is a RESPONSE to His love.

It can’t be the other way around… here’s what I mean. If you try to praise and worship Jesus… like when they’re singing at church… but you haven’t FIRST drawn closer to Him in relationship, then it’s empty, hollow, not authentic, meaningless. It’s works… just doing what you think you’re supposed to do, going through the motions.

And that is legalistic religion. I know about this because that’s how I grew up. I was taught by a religious, emotionally abusive parent that Christianity is nothing but a bunch of rules. I was taught that you’re not supposed to have any joy or fun or even laugh too hard because all of those kinds of things are “sinful.” There wasn’t really any rhyme or reason to it… just a bunch of rules that you have to follow just because if you don’t, you’re going to spend eternity in hell. Oh and by the way, God hates you. He can’t even stand you because you’re so terrible and if you don’t follow all these senseless rules then He’s going to send you to hell.

Yeah that’s how I grew up. That’s how a lot of people grew up. A lot of people still believe that way right now. They have no concept of love or joy, peace, grace, mercy. Christianity to them is just a cold, dead religion.

But that is NOT true Christianity. And if YOU were taught that way growing up, please know that is NOT the Jesus of the Bible.

venmo: @ BlueTapp

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