School Bully Trashes Lawnmower And Loading Cranes Onto Cabover Peterbilt - 061

3 months ago

Originally posted to YT December 10, 2020
Brock, my son's friend had his riding lawnmower destroyed by a school bully. The same bully involved in the vandalism of my son's Dodge Ram. Brock was given the mower by his cousin. Brock was friends with this bully and they started working on it together. When they had a disagreement, the bully used the color of law to prevent Brock from getting his mower back. It was destroyed, then returned. Because its a dispute between friends and not sneaking onto my place and vandalizing Matt's Dodge, Police say they can't do anything. As for the vandalization of the Dodge, as it was minor, I chose to have the local Deputy make contact with the parents and have them speak to me. Obviously the bully was not taught his lesson by his parents.
My goal here is to get Brock another riding lawnmower. I don't have a yard and no need for a mower. I'm hoping one of you can donate one that you may not be using to give to Brock. It would be a gift to a good natured, and hard working young man who stays away from trouble, off the phones, games, and other devices. He fishes, hunts and is involved in many activities here in town.
If you have a riding mower you have no need for in running, or almost running condition, Email me at FeszchakShop@Gmail.Com I will arange to pick it up if I'm in your area with "Orwell" (1984 Peterbilt) or arrange to have it dropped off at my shop. The mower needs to be a gift, no monies exchanged.
Thank You.

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