CAT 390F Excavator 745 Articulated Haul Truck

4 months ago

Caterpillar 390F is a crawler excavator manufactured from 2014 to 2020. Built to provide high efficiency, and low cost of ownership. The CAT 745 is built for hauling, and dumping material such as rock and dirt over rough terrain roads.

CAT 390F Excavator:
Engine: Cat C18 ACERT (Advanced Combustion Emissions Reduction Technology) 402 hp.
Weight: 95 Tons
Fuel tank: 328 gallons
Engine oil capacity: 16 gallons

CAT 745 Articulated Haul Truck
Engine: CAT C18 ACERT 511 hp
Rated Payload: 45.2 tons or 32.7 cubic yards (heaped) or 24.2 cubic yards (struck).
Automatic 9 speed transmission with 2x Reverse gears.
Fuel tank: 145 gallons

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