Black man sucker punches NYPD: Female officers are completely useless

1 day ago

When someone lands a haymaker you could easily be dazed.
He could've gotten this cops gun, as the female cop is clueless.
It's important to remember—there is nothing unusual about this.
That male officer knows he's on his own.
Yet, that female is paid the exact same...

Often, management will have to promote female officers off the streets to limit the risk they pose as they have to be treated as if they're the equal of male officers. So not only are they a total drain on taxpayers for worthless cops (who will stand behind male officers and shoot right past them, without any consideration that they may quickly move to avoid being shot at). But once promoted, you have people who were worthless cops then influencing policy and demanding more worthless police officers be hired and promoted.

All along, they're allowed to fail tests repeatedly that males must pass the first time or be dropped. Along with a slew of other accommodations to preserve the quotas they arbitrarily prioritize maintaining. Then, males push for lower standards for them in protest that they're held to hire standards.

And while both males and females make mistakes, each time you have an Amber Guyger or Kim Potter, I can't help but think how Metropolitan City Policies set those females up for failure. As females have completely different understanding (on average) of threat environments. Commonly detecting little if any threat in situations that males reliably recognize as highly dangerous.

We can absolutely have female officers, firefighters, you name it. We just cannot recruit them off lower standards. And yes, there are roles in which they're required. Searching female arrestees or suspects, interviewing victims of sexual assault. And many other situations in which they're uniquely qualified and necessary. Just keep the standards up. Or, make them specialty-officers ... not generalist police officers. And limit not only what they do, but what they can do. Be honest about it.

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