Political momentum for healthcare decarbonization and resilience is growing

8 hours ago

Josh Karliner, Health Care Without Harm: "Political momentum for healthcare decarbonization and resilience is growing. We've heard today about the 66 health ministries that have joined Attach. In addition, the G7 has also endorsed healthcare resilience and decarbonization as a priority. And the G20 under India's leadership this year is poised to do the same. The political will is there and increasing and it's now time to turn ambition into action. Yet no matter how much action we take within our own sector, the climate crisis will inevitably health gains the world has made in recent decades if we don't practice primary prevention and address the root causes of the crisis. The exploration, production, and combustion of fossil fuels is the primary driver of climate change. Air pollution from fossil fuel combustion already kills more than 7 million people a year. The growing climate crisis will add millions more to the annual toll. As Dr. Tedros has said, we need to kick our addiction to change, the health sector must become a leading voice for a rapid, just, and healthy transition away from fossil fuels and toward accessible, affordable, clean, renewable, healthy energy. This is the transformation that will also bring massive health co-benefits."

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